Savage Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #2) by J. Bree

Savage Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #2) by J. Bree

Published: September 28, 2021

Goodreads synopsis



So much changes at the end of book one, but so much stays the same. And that is truly impressive in the story telling. A character so devoted to her belief that she continues to make her own life miserable to try and save her Bonds. Some will continue to believe the worst of her, but you know we’re into the thick of it now, and others will try and break those walls down.


I love that even with a big reveal at the end of book one, book two still keeps things at arm’s length. That tension still exists as our MC wrestles to maintain the position she’s placed herself in.


As I said in my sneak-peak review from book 1. Book two really had me in a chokehold. I am officially on the run, cruising through the series.

Other books in the series:

Sword Catcher (The Chronicles of Castellane #1) by Cassandra Clare

Sword Catcher (The Chronicles of Castellane #1) by Cassandra Clare

Broken Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #1) by J. Bree

Broken Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #1) by J. Bree